PHA Family Foodbasket
“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day,
I can hear her breathing.” Arundhati Roy
Foodbasket in numbers - PHA Campaign Impact Report:
We are humbled to announce that during the extreme economic hardship of the Covid-19 crisis, our target to feed the food vulnerable families in our midst was not only met but exceeded. This is thanks to every one of our donors who responded in their numbers to our appeal – thank you! Here are the totals:
2,314 - families and target reached
9,256 - individuals fed
1550 - families reached in our first phase target
1800 - families reached in our second phase target
372 - foodbaskets packed for Newlands CAN for Brown’s Farm
695 - foodbaskets packed and distributed for the Solidarity Fund
58 - tonnes of food distributed
6,247 - food parcels packed
0 - salaries paid

Foodbasket Response
Given the magnitude of the impending food crisis, we have designed the following:
An essential foodbasket which contains all that is needed for a four-person family to subsist for a week. Cost Price R500.
The distribution by Vegkop Farm of these foodbaskets directly to the doorsteps of the informal settlement dwellers and labour tennants of the PHA.
An online tracker and photo gallery keeping donors updated.

Foodbasket Content
One foodbasket contains food to
feed a family of 4 for one week.
Cost Price R500
Pilchards, Corned Meat, Baked Beans, Peanut Butter, Baking Powder, Salt, Lentils, Split Peas, Red Beans, Cake Flour, Maize Meal, Sugar, Tomato Soup, Cooking Oil, Teabags, Cremora, Curry powder, Jam, Bread, Cabbage, Onions, Butternut Potatoes, Candles, Matches, Hand Soap, Sanitary Pads, Baby Formula.
Your R500 donation
covers exactly the cost of this basket. All handling and deliveries are done on a volunteer basis.

Scan to here to Donate
Direct Deposit
PHA Food & Farming Campaign
Bank: FNB
Account no: 626 056 901 99
Branch: 250655
Swift code: FIRNZAJJ
IBAN code: FIRNZAJJ 250655 626 056 90199
Essential Service Status:
Enterprise Number: K2017536099
Public Benefit Organisation number on request

UPDATED 1/06/2020 11:27 CAT

Essential Service Status:
Enterprise Number: K2017536099
Vegkop Farm is a registered essential service provider. We are food compliant certified and have implemented special protocols during this crisis to ensure safety at all stages of handling.
Public Benefit Organization
[number on request]
The PHA Campaign is a registered PBO with projects funded by the Heinrich Böel Foundation and Global Green Grants.
The PHA Campaign's community survey and our tracking of food prices over the first two months of the Covid-19 crisis show that governments’ cash grants will not be sufficient to support families to access adequate nutrition. Families living on a low income may be spending 30% more on food[1]. The average household food basket has increased by 7.8% (R250) between March 2020 and May 2020. The year-on-year price of the food basket increased by R419.80 (13.8%), from R3,051.11 in May 2019 to R3,470.92 in May 2020.
The items in the PHA Family foodbasket were purchased at wholesale price. The same items we found to be almost twice the price at the supermarket. This was a considerable saving that meant more food could be purchased extending donated Rands much further.
Our participatory engagement with local communities and their leadership who supported and participated in the project from start to finish, resulted in us reaching every household in the PHA farmlands with zero conflict. No family was left behind. A (mostly women-administered) community survey completed in advance of foodbasket handouts, is now a valuable source of information that can assist all our communities in future interventions and support.
Those of you who have supported the PHA family foodbasket - the many donors and volunteers - your generosity, solidarity, empathy and love is not only a clear demonstration of that brave new world, it’s a call to action for all of us to be engaged in nourishing her.
Heartfelt thanks to you all: not only from us but conveyed time and again from our recipients. You fulfilled our faith in you when our instinct at lockdown was that there are – and continue to be – many many people in this city who just need to know: where can I help? This is what you did.
The PHA Campaign’s engagement with communities has led to a follow-up initiative namely Operation Orange - the establishment of Covid-19 volunteer Screen-Care Teams in each community. The focus of the SCT’s is prevention: screening every person in the community twice-weekly, educating everyone about social distancing, washing hands and staying home. This coincides with settlement-committee led awareness of the need to shield their areas from Covid-19 infiltration and will include a more coordinated healthcare response to people’s quarantine and isolation needs as they arise.
The first Screen-Care Team volunteers started work 26 May 2020 after completing a training workshop on Sunday 24 May. Screen-Care Teams will be rolled out in every community over the course of June 2020. The PHA Campaign is also proceeding with this year’s program of formally establishing women-led nutrition committees [diet and household food management], and farming committees [food self-sufficiency in the farmlands].